2007 Summer Event: Annual LAGLS Barbecue

Those of you who are long time LAGLS members know what this time of year means: Annual Meeting. But you also know that it’s simply an excuse to get together to chew the fat and fire up the grill. Let’s do it at lunch time on July 8, 1-3 pm. Barbara and Shelley host the gathering at their place in Pasadena. We’ll get the grill going about 12:45, so it will be nice and hot when you arrive. We’ll provide hot dogs, trimmings, and root beer. You bring a side dish to share and something else for the grill if you don’t want hot dogs. Don’t worry about the outdoor heat, because the house is air conditioned, and that’s where we plan to enjoy each other’s company and talk about our ideas for LAGLS for the coming year.

Whether you have ideas or not, whether you want to volunteer to help or not, whether you’ve been around for a long time or are brand new, we do hope you will join us for a few hours in show of support for the organization. Just in case you are inclined to be helpful, here are some ways you can do so:

  • Become a member of the Steering Committee: This is a one year commitment to participate in a quarterly business meeting that we hold during a mailing party. As part of your commitment, you will be in charge of one LAGLS event for the year. You make the arrangements, write the article for the newsletter, and write about it afterwards for the following newsletter.
  • Join the Mailing Party: This requires no permanent commitment. You look at the LAGLS calendar to see when the quarterly mailing party is, and you attend. If you tell us you’re interested in doing this on a regular basis, we will send you an email reminder a week prior. We all chip in for shared pizza, you provide your labor to help fold, stuff, label, lick, and stick the LAGLS and NOGLSTP mailing.
  • Edit the LAGLS Bulletin: This is a one year commitment to collect the content and lay out the newsletter. It is currently done in Microsoft Publisher, but can easily be done in Word. If you are not an Adobe Acrobat (full version) owner, LAGLS will buy you the Pro version of CutePDF, so you can convert all the newsletters to a PDF version for digital printing at the on-demand digital printer of choice.
  • Public Outreach: coordinate a Pride display or contingent; speak about being a GLBT scientist/engineer to the local college GLBT student association; represent LAGLS at a community event


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